Cloudy Water and Flocculants
Hi, I'm Joe from webbsonline and today I'm going to help you beat clarity problems using flocculants.
A flocculant is a water treatment that causes all those small suspended particles that cloud your water to clump together so they can be filtered out. They’re extremely easy products to use.
When dosing, add to an area with good circulation, a good spot is right in front of the waterfall. This will ensure even distribution throughout the pond.
It's actually pretty cool how they work. Think of each bottle holding thousands of little magnets. These magnets attract and grab onto the suspended particles. When each magnet is full, it forms a clump and for the most part sinks. Depending on the severity of your clarity issues you may need multiple applications to get desired results.
Here at Webb's we carry a variety of different flocculants, even our very own. If you need help choosing one, please don't hesitate to call. I'm Joe from webbsonline.
Article Posted: 10/13/2017 10:46:05 PM
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