How to Regulate Pond Pump Flow
At one point or another you’ve probably come across the issue of having too much flow. Meaning- your pump is too strong. This is actually a very common issue and question we get a lot throughout the year. To regulate you can simply utilize a ball-valve. A ball valve is quarter-turn valve used to control flow through it, offering a fine control in throttling applications.

This is one we carry here. Manufactured by OASE, this valve is particularly nice because it comes equipped to accept 3 different sizes of flex hose- 1”, 1 ¼” and 1 ½”. Simply take a hacksaw and cut off the barb sizes not in use. With threaded collars to allow for easy removal. The handle generally lies flat in alignment with the flow when fully open, and is perpendicular when closed, making for easy visual confirmation of the valve's status.
This valve will be installed inline in an area that’s easily accessible. Simply cut the tubing and use hose clamps to secure a leak proof installation.
Article Posted: 06/16/2017 10:05:20 PM
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