Understanding Check Valves
Hi, I’m Joe from webbsonline and today we’re going to discuss check-valves

A check valve, or one-way valve is a valve that allows water to flow in only one direction, preventing flow from reversing. The most common, which we carry, are swing check valves. The mechanics of their operation is not complicated. Basically, a flapper on a hinge remains open in inflowing direction. With no forward pressure, it closes – preventing backflow.

These are most important in systems with excessive lengths of piping and especially gravity fed bio-filters. Main reason being- with the pump off, all the water in that line above the pump, and the sludge and muck inside the bio-filter is going to flow down and outflow thru the pump back into the pond – which you do not want. A check-valve will prevent that from happening.

Beyond the standard inline units, a few others we carry are complete check-valve assemblies. These are installed directly off the pump inside the skimmer. A few advantages of an assembly- Obviously, with the valve installed inside the skimmer it’s out of site, less obtrusive. And, the installed unions on the valve make removal of the pump much, much easier. For additional information on check-valves, please don’t hesitate to call.
Article Posted: 09/15/2017 08:30:12 PM
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