API Water Treatments
Offering an extensive line of natural and chemical water treatments that will keep your pond healthy and clear. Their best-selling algaecide, AlgaeFix, provides powerful algae control.

Effectively controls many types of green or green water algae, string or hair algae and blanket weed in ponds that contain live plants. Keeps ornamental ponds and water gardens clean & clear. Can be used in ponds with plants!
Stress Coat completely neutralizes and removes chlorine, chloramine & the ammonia associated with chloramine, which is added to tap water. Protects fish and assists in healing of fish wounds.
A fast acting bacterial based pond clarifier that quickly clears murky, cloudy water and keeps it clean and clear through natural bacterial action. This triple action formula acts fast - clears pond water and breaks down sludge and offers a long term solution to un-clear pond water.
Maintains crystal-clear pond water. Quickly clears cloudy pond water. Helps filters function more efficiently. Works by causing tiny suspended cloud particles in pond water to clump together. The clusters quickly fall to the bottom.
Reduces pond maintenance by breaking down fish waste and dead algae, as well as working to increase the concentration of dissolved oxygen in pond water by eliminating sludge build-up. The result is cleaner, clearer pond water and a healthier ecosystem for pond fish.
An all-natural alternative approach to algae control as the first bacterial algaecide registered with the EPA. This product contains patented bacteria to control green water algae in ponds with live fish and plants, and helps establish and maintain a clean, odor-free and algae-free pond.
Instantly neutralizes chlorine, copper, lead and zinc, as well as other heavy metals found in tap and well water, all of which may be toxic to fish and plants.
Through enzymatic action, Pond-Zyme Sludge Destroyer reduces pond maintenance and keeps pond water clean and clear. Pond-Zyme Sludge Destroyer is a 100% natural product, & safe for all pond fish, plants, and wildlife
pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity of water, and can fluctuate from day to day. Pond water should be tested for pH levels regularly. When tests show a change in pH, use pH Up or pH Down to slowly adjust the pH to a desired level.
API Pond Ammo Lock detoxifies poisonous ammonia, which is continually produced in your pond by waste, to a safe form for fish. This product eliminates ammonia stress, and promotes healthy gills and a safe pond environment for your pond fish.
API Pond & Waterfall Cleaner uses the power of active oxygen to deep-clean pond surfaces, waterfalls, fountains, and bird baths on contact. It is safe for all fish and aquatic plants, and should be used as needed to maintain a clean, clear pond or outdoor water feature.
A highly concentrated all-in-one water conditioner that instantly makes tap water safe for fish by removing chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies heavy metals commonly found in tap water. It also removes toxic ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels in your pond.