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Pump & Filter Kits

These kits take the guesswork out of selecting the correct pump and filtration combination for new or existing ponds. Buying a filtration kit is simple and provides the best overall value.

Pump & Filter Kits

Oase 3rd Gen FiltoClear Filter & AquaMax EcoClassic Pump Kits take the guesswork out of selecting the correct pump and filter combination. 25 ft. of 1-1/2” ID kink-free tubing included. Available in three sizes, there is an Oase filter kit for almost any pond configuration. Buying a filtration kit is simple and provides the best overall value as components are matched that work well together as a team.

    3rd Gen FiltoClear Features:
  • In-line pressure filter offers biological and mechanical filtration, with built-in UV clarifier
  • High quality, impact resistant body can be buried up to the locking ring
  • Backflush filter and direct waste with Easy-Clean Technology without opening the filter or removing the cover
  • 1-1/2", 2" and Sch 40 adapters & Hose Clamps included
    AquaMax EcoClassic Features:
  • Asynchronous pumps are designed for in-pond applications where debris is delivered through the pump to a filtration system
  • Large-surface, wrap-around pre-filter allows coarse debris particles up to 1/3" to pass through pump
  • 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" barbed fittings, Sch 40 1-1/2" and 2" & Hose Clamps included
<3400 gal<1700 gal<850 galFiltoClear 340024W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 1900
AquaMax Eco Premium 2000
<5200 gal<2600 gal<1300 galFiltoClear 520042W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 2700
AquaMax Eco Premium 3000
<8200gal<4100gal<2050 galFiltoClear 820060W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 3600
AquaMax Eco Premium 4000

The Oase Clear Water Guarantee is your assurance of clear water down to three feet, a guarantee like no other. Precisely engineered and matched components function in concert to remove not only suspended solids for excellent clarity, but toxic wastes as well, assuring high water quality. Filter pumps designed to pass solids pick up and deliver fish wastes to multistage filters. Filter foams of varying densities strip out solids and particulates. Beneficial bacterial colonies remove ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, eliminating nutrients in the water. Finally, water is bathed in ultraviolet light in an EPA-certified clarifier to further inhibit the growth of algae. You will be able to read the 1" mark on a measuring tape three feet below the surface, guaranteed.

Oase 3rd Gen FiltoClear Filter & AquaMax EcoClassic Pump Kits w/ FREE Tubing

Oase 3rd Gen FiltoClear Filter & AquaMax EcoClassic Pump Kits w/ FREE Tubing

  Icons SKU Add

Pond filtration has never been easier! These kits combine an EasyPro Eco-Clear UV Pressure Filter, Eco-Clear Submersible Pond Pump, tubing, and hose clamps for complete pond filtration. Why it works so well - The Eco-Clear Pump sends dirty pond water to the pressurized filter. The dirty water passes through multiple densities of foam filters and is cleaned of solid debris. Water then passes through bio-media for excellent biological filtration. The high intensity UV light that destroy algae cells, eliminating green water. Cleaned water is returned to your pond.

  • Eco-Clear Submersible Pond Pump
  • Eco-Clear Pressurized Pond Filter
  • Kink-free tubing and clamps
EasyPro Eco-Clear Complete Pond Filtration Systems

EasyPro Eco-Clear Complete Pond Filtration Systems

  SKU Pond Size no Fish UV Tubing Included Filter Pump Add
1300 gal
9 W
10 ft. - 1" kink-free
1300 gal
18 W
25 ft. x 1¼" kink-free
2600 gal
18 W
25 ft. x 1¼" kink-free
3900 gal
24 W
25 ft. x 1¼" kink-free
EasyPro Eco-Clear Complete Pond Filtration Systems Replacement Parts

Aquascape UltraKlean Filtration Kits take the guesswork out of selecting the correct submersible pump and external filtration combination for any new or existing pond. Available in three sizes and two configurations, there is an UltraKlean filter kit for almost any pond configuration. Buying a filtration kit is simple and provides the best overall value as components are selected by Aquascape not only for size of pond, but also matched components that will work well together as a team. Each Aquascape Kit includes a UltraKlean Pressure Filter with Integrated UV Clarifier/Sterilizer, AquaForce® Solids Handling Waterfall Pump and 25 feet of tubing with hose clamps. Three different options for different sized ponds up to 3500 gallons. Units include a 3 year warranty on both pump and filters. 

Aquascape UltraKlean Filtration Kits with Pump and UV

Aquascape UltraKlean Filtration Kits with Pump and UV

  Icons SKU Filter Pump Tubing Pond Size Add
UltraKlean 2000
Aquaforce 1000
1.5" x 25 ft.
up to 1,500 gallons
UltraKlean 2000
Aquaforce 2700
1.5" x 25 ft.
up to 2,500 gallons
UltraKlean 3500
Aquaforce 5200
1.5" x 25 ft.
up to 3,500 gallons

The Oase BioSmart Filter, Pump & UV Combo Kits take the guesswork out of selecting the correct pump and filter combination. Available in two sizes, there is an Oase filter kit for almost any pond configuration. Buying these filtration kits is simple and provides the best overall value as components are matched that work well together as a team, qualifying for the Oase Clear Water Guarantee.

    BioSmart Features:
  • Innovative flow-through filter design provides maximum oxygenation
  • High-surface area filter foams provide exceptional mechanical and biological filtration capability
  • Advanced features include the built-in cleaning indicator notifies you when the filter needs cleaned and water temperature display tells you the water temperature at all times
    AquaMax EcoClassic Features:
  • Asynchronous pumps are designed for in-pond applications where debris is delivered through the pump to a filtration system
  • Large-surface, wrap-around pre-filter allows coarse debris particles up to 1/3" to pass through pump
  • 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" barbed fittings, Sch 40 1-1/2" and 2" & Hose Clamps included
    Vitronic UV Features:
  • Cleans the green out of water
  • High quality UVC bulbs guarantee a long service life, and a constant effective irradiation capacity
  • Clear tubing adaptors show the clarifier is working

<5000 gal<2500 gal<1250 galBioSmart 5000Vitronic 18AquaMax Eco Classic 1900
AquaMax Eco Premium 2000
<10000 gal<5000 gal<2500 galBioSmart 10000Vitronic 36AquaMax Eco Classic 2700
AquaMax Eco Premium 3000
AquaMax Eco Premium 3000 12V

The Oase Clear Water Guarantee is your assurance of clear water down to three feet, a guarantee like no other. Precisely engineered and matched components function in concert to remove not only suspended solids for excellent clarity, but toxic wastes as well, assuring high water quality. Filter pumps designed to pass solids pick up and deliver fish wastes to multistage filters. Filter foams of varying densities strip out solids and particulates. Beneficial bacterial colonies remove ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, eliminating nutrients in the water. Finally, water is bathed in ultraviolet light in an EPA-certified clarifier to further inhibit the growth of algae. You will be able to read the 1" mark on a measuring tape three feet below the surface, guaranteed.

Oase BioSmart Filter, Pump & UV Combo Kits

Oase BioSmart Filter, Pump & UV Combo Kits

  Icons SKU Filter Pump UV Clarifier Add
Oase BioSmart 5000 Filter, Pump & UV Combo Kit
$724.97 $638.97 | 1,596 Points
BioSmart 5000
AquaMax Eco Classic 1900
Vitronic 18 Watt UV
Oase BioSmart 10000 Filter, Pump & UV Combo Kit
$1,066.97 $939.97 | 2,350 Points
BioSmart 10000
AquaMax Eco Classic 2700
Vitronic 36 Watt UV

The Laguna Clear-Flo Filter & Pump Kits for ponds provide the ultimate combination of pump power and water filtration efficiency. Every Clear-Flo kit consists of an industry-leading Laguna Max-Flo Solids Handling Waterfall & Filter Pump and a Pressure-Flo Pressurized Pond Filter System, with a powerful UVC sterilizer to produce a clear, clean and healthy pond environment for ponds. A powerful water gardening duo that ensures continuous and efficient water circulation.

Pressure-Flo Features:

  • Patented Filter backwash system enables routine cleaning in seconds
  • Mechanical, Biological, and integrated UV filtration work in unison proving clean and clear pond water
  • Universal Click-Fit Fast couplings for 3/4", 1" and 1-1/4" hosing connections
  • 16 ft. power cord

Max-Flo Features:

  • Cost saving, energy efficient 32W to 160W.
  • Anti-leaf ribs to assure continuing suction, with solids handling capability.
  • Universal Click-Fit Fast couplings
  • Unique two-level suction capability, through upper and lower casing, for maximum water flow.
  • Ergonomic pump handle for a safe grip and easy transportation.
Laguna ClearFlo UVC Filter & Pump Kit

Laguna ClearFlo UVC Filter & Pump Kit

  Icons SKU Max Pond w/ Low Fish Load in Shade Max Pond w/ High Fish Load in Shade Included Pump UV Light Dimension (DxH) Add
Laguna ClearFlo 1000 UVC Filter & Pump Kit
$434.99 $298.95 | 750 Points
1000 Gal
475 Gal
Max-Flo 600
13 Watt
Laguna ClearFlo 2000 UVC Filter & Pump Kit
$519.99 $398.95 | 925 Points
2000 Gal
1000 Gal
Max-Flo 960
13 Watt
Laguna ClearFlo 3000 UVC Filter & Pump Kit
$729.99 $498.95 | 1,375 Points
3000 Gal
1500 Gal
MaxFlo 2000
24 Watt
Laguna ClearFlo 4000 UVC Filter & Pump Kit
$859.99 $628.95 | 1,650 Points
4000 Gal
2000 Gal
MaxFlo 2400
36 Watt

The BioSteps Plus Kit is the basic model. This basic kit comes complete with the new BioSteps 10 Filter, Magna-Flow submersible pump, 25 ft of 3/4" kink-free hose and all connectors to make installation quick and easy!. But, you also have the option to add on the 16 watt EZClear UV Clarifier or the optional Waterfall Spillway to your basic BioSteps Plus Kit. With 4 options of kits to choose from you're bound to find one that fits your needs.

Ideal for water garden ponds up to 2,700 gallons and koi ponds up to 1,350 gallons.

Matala BioSteps-II Pump & Filter Kits

Matala BioSteps-II Pump & Filter Kits

  SKU BioSteps 10 Filter Magna-Flow Pump 3/4" x 25' Kink-Free Tubing (includes 2 hose clamps) 16 watt UV Clarifier Waterfall Add
Matala BioSteps PLUS Kit
$415.00 $340.00 | 850 Points
Matala BioSteps PRO Kit
$607.00 $499.00 | 1,248 Points
Matala BioSteps PLUS-WF Kit
$457.00 $373.00 | 933 Points
Matala BioSteps PREMIUM Kit
$645.00 $529.00 | 1,323 Points
Matala Biosteps-II Filter Kit Replacement Parts

The Oase BioPress Filter & AquaMax EcoClassic Pump Kits take the guesswork out of selecting the correct pump and filter combination. Available in three sizes, there is an Oase filter kit for almost any pond configuration. Buying a filtration kit is simple and provides the best overall value as components are matched that work well together as a team.

    BioPress Features:
  • Uses mechanical, biological filtration and ultraviolet light to keep water features clear
  • Monitor UVC, filter performance and pollutant level, even clean foams with cleaning handle without removing cover, simplifying maintenance
  • Bury canister to the quick release clamps and use an optional Oase FiltoCap to completely conceal the filter
    AquaMax EcoClassic Features:
  • Asynchronous pumps are designed for in-pond applications where debris is delivered through the pump to a filtration system
  • Large-surface, wrap-around pre-filter allows coarse debris particles up to 1/3" to pass through pump
  • 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" barbed fittings, Sch 40 1-1/2" and 2" & Hose Clamps included
<1,000 gal<500 gal<250 galBioPress 10007W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 1200
<1,600 gal<800 gal<400 galBioPress 16009W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 1900
AquaMax Eco Premium 2000
<2,400 gal<1,200 gal<600 galBioPress 24009W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 2700
AquaMax Eco Premium 3000

The Oase Clear Water Guarantee is your assurance of clear water down to three feet, a guarantee like no other. Precisely engineered and matched components function in concert to remove not only suspended solids for excellent clarity, but toxic wastes as well, assuring high water quality. Filter pumps designed to pass solids pick up and deliver fish wastes to multistage filters. Filter foams of varying densities strip out solids and particulates. Beneficial bacterial colonies remove ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, eliminating nutrients in the water. Finally, water is bathed in ultraviolet light in an EPA-certified clarifier to further inhibit the growth of algae. You will be able to read the 1" mark on a measuring tape three feet below the surface, guaranteed.

Oase BioPress UVC Filter & Pump Kits

Oase BioPress UVC Filter & Pump Kits

  Icons SKU Dimensions UVC Power Max. flow rate Ponds up to Ponds up to w/Fish Inlet/Outlet Pump Add
8.9 x 13.2 in.
7 w
1050 gal/h
1000 gal
500 gal
3/4" - 1-1/2"
Eco Classic 1200
13.8 x 17.7 in.
9 w
2000 gal/h
1600 gal
800 gal
3/4" - 1-1/2"
Eco Classic 1900
13.8 x 22.4 in.
9 w
2120 gal/h
2400 gal
1200 gal
3/4" - 1-1/2"
Eco Classic 2700

Pump, Filter, UVC & Tubing Complete Package

The Bermuda Pond Filter Kit makes pond filtration easy, including the right filter and UV clarifier to clear water in small to medium garden ponds. The filter box can be part buried for discrete placement and sponges cleaned at the pull of a handle.

  • Pump, Filter, UV & Tubing included
  • Solids handling pump
  • Powerful UV Clarifier
  • Mechanical & Biological Filtration
  • Easy to clean sponges
Bermuda Pump & Filter Kits

Bermuda Pump & Filter Kits

  Icons SKU Max. Pond Size Pump UV Tubing Add
2,400 gal
500 GPH
15 ft (3/4")

The EasyPro Deluxe skid mounted filtration systems offer complete filtration for water gardens and koi ponds. A pressurized bead filter, external self-priming pump and UV Clarifier pre-plumbed and ready to install as a “plug and go” pond filtration system. Four sizes available for 1,800 to 10,000 gallon ponds.

  • Pre-assembled and ready to install pond filter system
  • Plumbing complete with unions at connections for easy maintenance
  • Strong polyethylene filter body with six position control head
  • Energy efficient self-priming external pump
  • Powerful commercial grade UV Clarifier
  • Electrical post with 115v power outlet and 15′ power cord for easy installation
EasyPro Deluxe Skid Mounted Pond Filtration Systems

EasyPro Deluxe Skid Mounted Pond Filtration Systems

  Icons SKU Options Add
EasyPro Skid Mount Filtration Systems
$3,799.99 From $3,324.99 | 8,312+ Points
1800, 3600, 6000, 10000 gallons

Aquadyne Plug & Play Filtration Systems take the hassle out of the decision making and installation process for you. Ideal for both residential and commercial installations. The Aquadyne Systems far exceeds the performance of most all competitive filtration units in its class, capable of consuming large amounts of fish waste and neutralizing equally large amounts of ammonia and nitrite from the aquatic environment. Aquadyne systems can be set in place and put into service within a short time of arrival and no prior experience with system assembly is necessary.

All Aquadyne Plug & Play Filtration Systems Include:

  • All Weather UV Resistant Equipment Pad
  • Aquadyne Biological / Mechanical Filter Unit
  • Delta Ultraviolet Sterilizer
  • Performance Pro Pump
  • Pre-configured Plumbing System w/UV Bypass
  • Quick Disconnect Union Setup

*Electrical Control Panel is available as an upgrade option

Aquadyne Plug & Play Filtration Systems for Freshwater

Aquadyne Plug & Play Filtration Systems for Freshwater

  SKU Add

These Complete Systems are mounted on an all weather pad, pre-plumbed and ready to install. Nothing could be easier or better.

  • Filter w/ Media Agitator
  • External Pump
  • UV Clarifier
  • Plumbing assembly
  • All Weather Pad

GCTek Complete Pond Filter Systems

GCTek Complete Pond Filter Systems

  Icons SKU Pond Size Gal. Add
GCTek WattMizer PLUS Systems w/ AlphaONE
$5,149.95 From $4,892.95 | 12,232+ Points
2500-25000 Gal
GCTek WattMizer PLUS Systems w/ AquaBead
$5,149.95 From $4,892.95 | 12,232+ Points
2500-25000 Gal
GCTek PondKeeper Systems
$3,059.95 From $2,899.95 | 7,250+ Points
1500, 2500, 5000 Gal
GCTek WattMizer KoiKeeper Systems
$4,286.95 From $4,072.95 | 10,182+ Points
2500, 5000, 10000 Gal

The Aquadyne EcoSphere filtration systems are excellently suited to filter ponds and other aquatic habitats. Both models come standard with an Air Backwash system that performs just like the larger Aquadyne systems except in a small footprint package for smaller water features, ponds, aquaponic systems, quarantine systems, or other small aquatic habitats ranging in the 1000 to 4000 gallon class. These systems offer an efficient water flow. You can backwash with as little as 15 gallons of water. They include a 1.5" control head with 1.5" ports in/out, with (3) ea. 1.5" self-sealing unions included. These systems are also suitable for an indoor, large volume aquarium filter. These units are also an excellent starter for small laboratory research or aquaponic applications.

  • Easy to install & simple to use
  • Low maintenance and cleans in approx 5 minutes
  • Full rinse cycle 
  • Sludge waste drain
  • Air backwash for complete waste removal
Aquadyne Ecosphere Filtration Systems

Aquadyne Ecosphere Filtration Systems

  SKU Fish Pond Volume Fish Load Pump Size Power Plumbing Size Quick Unions Dimensions Average Backwash Add
Aquadyne Ecosphere 10/20 Filtration System
$2,079.00 $1,767.15 | 3,534 Points
1000 gal.
30 lbs
1800 GPH *Included*
110v. 220 watts
19 x 19 x 26
5 Gal
Aquadyne Ecosphere 40/80 Filtration System
$3,377.00 $2,870.45 | 5,741 Points
4000 gal.
85 lbs
5460/1800 GPH *Included*
110v. 320 watts low
30 x 40 x 18
30 Gal
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