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Pressurized Filters

With a pressurized filter, water from the pond is pumped into the filter where it exits under pressure. These units can be installed anywhere around the pond and can be buried for easy concealment. Most have backwash capabilities making cleaning a breeze. Most come with integrated UV clarifiers.

Pressurized Filters

The Aquascape UltraKlean Biological Pressure Filter with a high output ultraviolet clarifier/sterilizer and an integrated electronic bulb-saver option, provides pond owners with optimum clear water conditions and eliminates green pond water for pond and water features. The unique sponge-free design minimizes maintenance and maximizes efficient mechanical and biological filtration and efficiently traps dirt and debris. Simple-to-use cleaning feature allows for the unit to be back washed in less than five minutes without opening the canister or getting hands dirty. 

Features and Benefits

  • Easily integrated into new or existing ponds
  • 20' power cord
  • Barb fitting connection sizes - 1", 1.25", 1.50"
  • 3 Year Limited Warranty

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

Aquascape UltraKlean Pressure Filter

Aquascape UltraKlean Pressure Filter

  Icons SKU Pond Size Max Flow Rate Watts Cord Length Dimensions Add
up to 3,500 gallons
5,200 GPH
28 watts
20 ft.
13"D x 21.5"H
up to 3,500 gallons
5,200 GPH
28 watts
20 ft.
13"D x 21.5"H
up to 2,000 gallons
2,700 GPH
14 watts
20 ft.
13"D x 17"H
Aquascape UltraKlean Pressure Filter Replacement Parts

Oase's 3rd generation of FiltoClears filter water with mechanical and biological filtration and ultraviolet clarification. It's compact size is perfect for fountains, formal spillways, pondless waterfalls and fish pond applications. Its high quality, impact resistant body can be partially buried up to the locking ring and concealed with an Oase FiltoCap. Three densities of filter foams, plates and extra supports improve cleaning function and ensures a long service life. An easy to turn 2-way valve backflushes the filter and directs waste. A variety of fittings are included to accommodate a multitude of installations including metric and Sch 40 fittings. For best results and clear water guarantee, use with an appropriately sized Oase pump and UV clarifier.

  • Provides mechanical and biological filtration with ultraviolet clarification.
  • High-quality UVC housing protects the ballast from sunlight and moisture. 
  • Metal lid clamping ring closure with simple lever function.
  • 2-way Valve makes for quick and easy cleaning. 
  • 3 densities of replaceable filter foams with extra supports improve the cleaning function.
<3400 gal<1700 gal<850 galFiltoClear 340024W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 1900
AquaMax Eco Premium 2500
<5200 gal<2600 gal<1300 galFiltoClear 520042W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 2700
AquaMax Eco Premium 3500
<8200gal<4100gal<2050 galFiltoClear 820060W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 3600
AquaMax Eco Premium 4500

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

The Oase Clear Water Guarantee is your assurance of clear water down to three feet, a guarantee like no other. Precisely engineered and matched components function in concert to remove not only suspended solids for excellent clarity, but toxic wastes as well, assuring high water quality. Filter pumps designed to pass solids pick up and deliver fish wastes to multistage filters. Filter foams of varying densities strip out solids and particulates. Beneficial bacterial colonies remove ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, eliminating nutrients in the water. Finally, water is bathed in ultraviolet light in an EPA-certified clarifier to further inhibit the growth of algae. You will be able to read the 1" mark on a measuring tape three feet below the surface, guaranteed.

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter - 3rd Gen

Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter - 3rd Gen

  Icons SKU Models Add
Oase FiltoClear Pressure Filter - 3rd Gen
$579.99 From $510.99 | 1,277+ Points
3400, 5200 & 8200
Oase 3rd Gen FiltoClear Pressure Filter Replacement Parts

The new and improved Laguna Pressure-Flo pressurized pond filter eliminates green water and kills algae. The Laguna Pressure Flo provides mechanical filtration coupled with a powerful UVC sterilizer to produce a clear, clean and healthy pond environment for ponds. Includes universal Click-Fit Fast couplings for 3/4", 1" and 1 1/4" hosing connections. 

Pressure-Flo Features:

  • Cleaning indicator takes the guess work out of maintenance
  • Patented Filter backwash system enables routine cleaning in seconds
  • Mechanical, Biological, and integrated UV filtration work in unison proving clean and clear pond water
  • Easy to Install & Maintain
  • 16 ft. power cord

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

Laguna Pressure-Flo High Performance Pressure Filters

Laguna Pressure-Flo High Performance Pressure Filters

  Icons SKU Max Pond w/ Low Fish Load in Shade Max Pond w/ High Fish Load in Shade Rec. Pump UV Light Dimensions (DxH) Add
1000 Gal
475 Gal
Max-Flo 600
13 Watt
2000 Gal
1000 Gal
Max-Flo 960
13 Watt
3000 Gal
1500 Gal
Max-Flo 2000
24 Watt
4000 Gal
2000 Gal
Max-Flo 2400
36 Watt
Laguna Pressure-Flo High Performance Pressure Filters Replacement Parts

EasyPro Eco-Clear Pressure Filters provide excellent, dual filtration for ponds. Ideal for preformed ponds and small water features needing effective filtration. EC2600 and EC3900 unit bonus features: Cleaning indicator - shows when filter needs to be cleaned. Backwash valve to extend time between full cleanouts

  • Sturdy filter housings – can be partially buried up to cleaning ring for easy concealment
  • Dual filtration – filter pads collect solid debris while bio-media provides biological filtration
  • Optional UV for crystal clear water
  • Filters are easy to disassemble and clean, making maintenance a snap!
  • Multi-step connectors – inlet/outlet fittings accept a variety of tubing sizes

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

EasyPro Eco-Clear Pressurized Pond Filters

EasyPro Eco-Clear Pressurized Pond Filters

  Icons SKU Pond Size w/Fish Pond Size no Fish Max Flow Rate UV Inlet/Outlet Dimensions Add
650 gallons
1300 gallons
1300 GPH
1/2", 3/4", 1" barbed fitting
14.8"W x 12.24"D x 15.47"H
650 gallons
1300 gallons
1300 GPH
9 watt
1/2", 3/4", 1" barbed fitting
14.8"W x 12.24"D x 15.48"H
1300 gallons
2600 gallons
2600 GPH
1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" barbed fitting
21.26"W x 14.92"D x 18.43"H
1300 gallons
2600 gallons
2600 GPH
18 watt
1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" barbed fitting
21.26"W x 14.92"D x 18.43"H
1950 gallons
3900 gallons
3900 GPH
1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" barbed fitting
21.26"W x 14.92"D x 21.73"H
1950 gallons
3900 gallons
3900 GPH
24 watt
1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" barbed fitting
21.26"W x 14.92"D x 22.68"H
EasyPro Eco-Clear Pressurized Pond Filters Replacement Parts

Pondmaster ClearGuard Pressurized Pond Filters keeps your pond fresh and clean with dual-action biological and mechanical filtration. ClearGuard's unique design filters with beneficial bacteria using bio-media while at the same time, mechanically polishing water with a reusable filter pad. This system can be added to any pond and will effectively lower ammonia and nitrite levels in the water. With the available UV Clarifier installed, ClearGuard controls green water in the pond while its multi-function valve selector easily clicks into place for convenient filtering, backwashing, rinsing and winterizing. The ClearGuard’s durable canister allows for majority of the unit to be buried and hidden from sight if needed. Expect an approximate 45% decrease in flow on output.

  • 7 Functions: Filter, Backwash, Rinse, Winterize, Empty, Circulate, and Close
  • Combination of biological & mechanical media
  • Available with or without UV Clarifier
  • Includes both slip and barbed fittings
  • Optional Backwash Air Kit available for ultimate performance
Pondmaster ClearGuard Pressurized Pond Filters

Pondmaster ClearGuard Pressurized Pond Filters

  Icons SKU Capacity Fittings Rec. Water Pump UV Light Dimensions Add
2,700 gallons
1½" Slip and Barb
up to 3,000 gph
17"L x 16.5"W x 18.5"H
2,700 gallons
1½" Slip and Barb
up to 3,000 gph
9 Watt
17"L x 16.5"W x 18.5"H
5,500 gallons
1½" and 2" Slip and Barb
up to 6,000 gph
17"L x 17"W x 28.5"H
5,500 gallons
1½" and 2" Slip and Barb
up to 6,000 gph
18 Watt
17"L x 17"W x 28.5"H
8,000 gallons
1½" and 2" Slip and Barb
up to 8,000 gph
17"L x 19"W x 35"H
8,000 gallons
1½" and 2" Slip and Barb
up to 8,000 gph
36 Watt
17"L x 19"W x 35"H
16,000 gallons
3" Slip and Barb
up to 9,000 gph
23"L x 23"W x 40"H
16,000 gallons
3" Slip and Barb
up to 9,000 gph
36 Watt
23"L x 23"W x 40"H
Pondmaster Clearguard Filter Replacement Parts

The Pondmaster Proline Pressurized Filters feature a unique, manually operated agitator that quickly dislodges waste from the filter chamber which allows you to backwash and rinse the filter in seconds without getting wet or coming in contact with fish and plant waste. Best of all, these filters rarely need opening! Available with or without a mounted UV Clarifier that controls green water algae.

  • Agitator quickly unlocks waste from media, conserving water during backwash cycles
  • 3-way master valve with 'filter', 'rinse' and 'backwash' settings
  • Stainless steel clamp ring to ensure a water tight seal
  • Bio-Matrix media provides maximum surface area for beneficial bacteria growth
  • Heavy duty canister can be buried for hidden installation
  • Optional bottom drain available (not included)
  • 1-1/2" swivel fittings and ball valve included

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

Pondmaster Proline BioMatrix Pressurized Filters

Pondmaster Proline BioMatrix Pressurized Filters

  Icons SKU Models Add
P-1000, PUV-1000, P-2000, PUV-2000, P-4000, PUV-4000

Pondmaster Proline BioMatrix Pressurized Filters

  Icons SKU Add
Pondmaster BioMatrix 1000 10w UV Upgrade Kit
$169.95 $157.96 | 395 Points
Out of Stock

The Surge Filter is an innovative filter that helps deliver crystal clear, healthy water for ponds up to 1,320 gallons. The Surge Filter uses K+Media for enhanced mechanical and biological filtration to trap fine particles and to help maintain a biological equilibrium within the pond. An integrated UV Clarifier prevents green water. The Surge Filter is easy to install and is simple and quick to clean, using Evolution Aqua’s patented Air Clean Technology. This unique air syphon design allows air to be drawn into the filter as it empties which causes the water to agitate, effectively cleaning the K+Media. 

  • Ideal for ponds up to 1,320 gallons
  • 4.5 liters of K+ Media
  • 18 watt UV Clarifier
  • Simple to set-up and install
  • Ball valves, hosetails and clear drain hose included
Evolution Aqua Surge Filter w/ UV

Evolution Aqua Surge Filter w/ UV

  Icons SKU Max Pond Size Inlet/Outlet Waste Max Flow Rate Optimum Flow Rate K+Media UV Wattage Water Volume in Filter Add
Evolution Aqua Surge Filter w/ UV
$587.99 $499.79 | 1,249 Points
1,320 gallons
3/4", 1", 1-1/4"
925 GPH
660 GPH
4.5 liters
18 watts
5 gallons

The Tempest Filter is an innovative polishing system for ponds, using K+Media, to deliver crystal clear, healthy water. The Tempest filter is easy to install and is simple and quick to clean, by way of a unique, patent pending air syphon design. During the cleaning process, air is drawn into the filter as it empties which causes the water to agitate, effectively cleaning the K+Media. Using Evolution Aqua’s K+Media as the filter media, particles down to one micron can be filtered. Designed to be used in conjunction with any filtration system, the Tempest Filter offers additional mechanical and biological filtration. 

  • Ideal for ponds up to 1,320 gallons
  • Easy to install and clean
  • Unique, patented air syphon design 
Evolution Aqua Tempest Filter

Evolution Aqua Tempest Filter

  Icons SKU Max Pond Size Inlet / Outlet Drain Size Max Flow Rate Optimum Flow Rate K+ Media Supplied Dimensions Water Volume in Filter Add
Evolution Aqua Tempest Pond Filter
$499.99 $449.99 | 1,125 Points
1,320 gal
1,980 GPH
1,320 GPH
1.85 Gal
43.3” x 13.9”
6.6 gal

The BioPress UVC pressure filter has been designed with all of the key attributes accessible from the lid allowing the canister portion of the unit to be buried and concealed. This unique design incorporates a handle that allows you to compress the filter pads clearing the debris without opening the lid. Additionally, the Ultraviolet light will eliminate green water algae from the pond. For best results and clear water guarantee, use with an appropriately sized Oase pump and UV clarifier.

  • Uses mechanical, biological filtration and ultraviolet light to keep water features clear
  • Monitor UVC, filter performance and pollutant level, even clean foams with cleaning handle without removing cover, simplifying maintenance
  • Bury canister to the quick release clamps and use an optional Oase FiltoCap to completely conceal the filter

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

<1,000 gal<500 gal<250 galBioPress 10007W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 1200
<1,600 gal<800 gal<400 galBioPress 16009W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 1900
AquaMax Eco Premium 2000
<2,400 gal<1,200 gal<600 galBioPress 24009W (included)AquaMax Eco Classic 2700
AquaMax Eco Premium 3000

The Oase Clear Water Guarantee is your assurance of clear water down to three feet, a guarantee like no other. Precisely engineered and matched components function in concert to remove not only suspended solids for excellent clarity, but toxic wastes as well, assuring high water quality. Filter pumps designed to pass solids pick up and deliver fish wastes to multistage filters. Filter foams of varying densities strip out solids and particulates. Beneficial bacterial colonies remove ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, eliminating nutrients in the water. Finally, water is bathed in ultraviolet light in an EPA-certified clarifier to further inhibit the growth of algae. You will be able to read the 1" mark on a measuring tape three feet below the surface, guaranteed.

OASE BioPress UVC Filter

OASE BioPress UVC Filter

  Icons SKU Dimensions UVC Power Cable length Max. flow rate Ponds up to Ponds up to w/Fish Inlet/Outlet Add
Oase BioPress UVC 1000 Filter
$194.99 $171.99 | 430 Points
8.9 x 13.2 in.
7 w
10 ft
1050 gal/h
1000 gal
500 gal
3/4" - 1-1/2"
Oase BioPress UVC 1600 Filter
$295.99 $260.99 | 652 Points
13.8 x 17.7 in.
9 w
10 ft
2000 gal/h
1600 gal
800 gal
3/4" - 1-1/2"
Oase BioPress UVC 2400 Filter
$366.99 $322.99 | 807 Points
13.8 x 22.4 in.
9 w
10 ft
2120 gal/h
2400 gal
1200 gal
3/4" - 1-1/2"
OASE BioPress UVC Filter Replacement Parts

The Anjon BioPro Filter with high-output UV clarifier filters ponds up to 4,000 gallons, providing optimum water conditions and crystal-clear water. Two unique options are available - with filter mats and bio-balls, or only filter mats. Filter pads will physically trap debris while bio-balls promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. The high output UV bulb eliminates single-celled algae which causes green water. Easy to use backwash feature makes cleaning a breeze.

  • Mechanical filtration removes coarse and fine floating particulates
  • Biological filtration promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria
  • Built-in-UV clarifier eliminates green water
  • Glowing monitor indicates UV light is functioning properly
  • Visible indicator signals when pressure filter requires back-washing
  • Heavy-duty, water-tight housing is easily accessible for routine filter maintenance
  • Can be partially buried to conceal filter
  • Inlet/outlet barb accepts multiple hose diameters - 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2"
  • 23’ power cord

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

Anjon Manufacturing BioPro Filtration

Anjon Manufacturing BioPro Filtration

  Icons SKU Max Pond Size Max Pump Size UV Filter Pads Bio-Balls Add
3,000 gal
3,000 GPH
18 watts
4,000 gal
4,000 GPH
24 watts
Anjon Manufacturing BioPro Filtration Replacement Parts

The Bermuda Pressure Filter combines mechanical and biological filtration with a built-in Ultra Violet Clarifier for clearer water. A pressurized unit, water can be pumped uphill out of the unit to feed waterfalls or return to the pond while the filter remains hidden. Cleaning the Bermuda pressure filter is easy by way of turning it to waste and winding a handle. Media can be cleaned and dirty water flushed away without getting hands wet.

  • Mechanical and biological filtration combined
  • Powerful UV Clarifier
  • Can be partially buried up to its lid
  • Built-in cleaning device

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

Bermuda Easy Clean Pressure Filter w/ UVC

Bermuda Easy Clean Pressure Filter w/ UVC

  Icons SKU Max. Pond Size Recommended Pump UV Hosetails Add
2,500 gal
900 GPH
1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2"
4,000 gal
1,350 GPH
1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2"
FiltoClear Pressure Filter 50 free gift certificate

Oase FiltoClear 2nd Gen Pressure Filter Replacement Parts

Oase FiltoClear 2nd Gen Pressure Filter Replacement Parts

Oase FiltoClear 2nd Gen Pressure Filter Replacement Parts

  SKU Add
Out of Stock
Oase Quartz Sleeve for FiltoClear 8000
$67.99 $59.99 | 150 Points
OASE Bitron 110C Spare UVC Elect. Unit
$333.99 $293.99 | 735 Points
OASE 55W UVC Transformer for FiltoClear 8000
$279.99 $246.99 | 617 Points

The Pond Boss Pressurized Pond Filter is ideal for use in ponds up to 900 gallons. This conveniently designed filter is easy to assemble. The pressurized filter combines mechanical and biological filtration by helping water move quickly through the filter so debris doesn’t settle in your pond. BioBalls are utilized to provide a larger surface area to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria while dual filtration pads catch large and small debris. The result, a clean pond with improved water quality that is safe for fish and plants to thrive.

  • Combines mechanical and biological filtration to clean your pond
  • Promotes growth of beneficial bacteria
  • Fits pumps (pumps not included): PP225, PP350, PP575, PP800, or PP1000UV
  • Fits 3/4 and 1 in. ID tubing (tubing not included)

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

Pond Boss Pressurized Pond Filter

Pond Boss Pressurized Pond Filter

  Icons SKU Pond Up To UV Max Flowrate Add
900 Gal
800 GPH
1200 Gal
9 watt
800 GPH
The Bio-Active Pressure Filter works to keep your pond clean and healthy with both mechanical and biological filtration. This easy-to-use filter features a unique open profile bio-activator that provides a large surface area and unrestricted water flow to all surfaces for improved filtering. A simple back flush valve allows for fast cleaning. 
  • Open-profile Bio-Activators offer superior filtration and back flush performance
  • Available with and without UV - 9 ft. power cord on UV models
  • A layer of bio-film containing beneficial bacteria will remain on the bio-reactors
  • Use with pumps between 2,500 - 4,500 GPH
  • Accepts 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" tubing

We only recommend using magnetically driven (mag-drive) or asynchronous drive pumps for this filter.

Tetra Bio-Active Pressurized Filters

Tetra Bio-Active Pressurized Filters

  Icons SKU Size (D x H) Max Pond Size Rec. Pump UV Light Add
Tetra Bio-Active BP1500 Pond Filter
$297.29 $174.95 | 500 Points
15.87" x 18.75"
1,500 Gal
DHP 3600
Tetra Bio-Active BP4000 Pond Filter
$422.39 $196.95 | 625 Points
15.87" x 25"
4,000 Gal
DHP 4200
Tetra Bio-Active BP2500 Pond Filter
$349.29 $188.95 | 546 Points
15.87" x 22"
2,500 Gal
DHP 4200
Tetra Bio-Active Pressurized Filters Replacement Parts

The innovative Sicce Green Reset external pressurized pond filters offer the ultimate in combined filtration systems for small to large ponds. First, the water is forced through the sponges and then through the bio-balls (models 60/100 only) in combination with an effective UV sterilizer lamp to guarantee crystal clear pond water. The innovative design of the Green Reset makes maintenance operations quick and easy. 3 simple steps make cleaning a breeze: Lift the handle on the top of the cover. Turn the lateral grip handles in the cleaning position and, then, the flow selector handle. Push the big handle down to squeeze the internal sponges (patented mechanism).

Sicce Green Reset Pond Filter with UV

Sicce Green Reset Pond Filter with UV

  SKU Add
Sicce Green Reset Pond Filter with UV
From $479.99 | 1,200+ Points

Whale Canister filters offer exceptional value without sacrificing quality or features. The design is compact, yet offers extremely high performance, good filter volume and highly convenient running costs. These canister filters come complete with all necessary tubing and connectors, filter media to ensure top performance, a quick disconnect system for easy filter removal during maintenance, media baskets and heavy duty locking clips.

Sicce Whale Black Canister Aquarium Filters

Sicce Whale Black Canister Aquarium Filters

  Icons SKU Add
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