Vacuums & Maintenance
Over the course of a season, your pond will accumulate debris and organics such as leaves, grass clippings, uneaten fish food, and fish waste. The filtration system should remove most of this debris, but the rest will break down into muck and sludge. Periodic cleanings and general maintenance are inevitable. You'll find a complete line of vacuums and heavy duty gloves for maintenance.

Remove organic debris and dirt particles from the pond using a vacuum. Available in a variety of models from a small siphon vacuum to a large 2-motor professional grade model.
Periodic cleanings and maintenance in and around the pond will eventually be required. Find shoulder length gloves, weed and algae rakes, and plant pruning tools here.
Over the course of a season, your pond will accumulate debris and organics such as leaves, grass clippings, uneaten fish food, and fish waste. The filtration system should remove most of this debris, but the rest will break down into muck and sludge. Periodic cleanings and general maintenance are inevitable. You'll find a complete line of vacuums and heavy duty gloves for maintenance.