COLOCASIA ANTIQUORUM 'ILLUSTRIS' (IMPERIAL TARO) - Large striking foliage with green veins highlighting the deep black leaves. Adds bold color and tropical flair to any garden. Filtered sun. Can grow up to 2.5 feet tall. Zone 9.
COLOCASIA ESCULENTA 'BLACK MAGIC TARO' - Probably the most sought after Taro with stunning 2 foot long solid purple-black leaves that show a slight dusty look as the tip bends down. Makes a dramatic statement in your pond. Full sun to part shade. Can grow up to 3 feet tall. Zone 8-11.
COLOCASIA ESCULENTA (GREEN TARO) - A lush, tropical plant that looks good in any setting. Heart shaped velvet green leaves that droop slightly downward. When summer's warm weather arrives, they grow fast, achieving a large spread of at least 5 feet. Full sun to part shade. Zone 10
COLOCASIA 'COAL MINER' - Heart shaped dark velvet coal leaves with a smoky undertone appearance. Makes a dramatic statement. Can grow up to 4 feet tall. Full sun to part shade. Zone 7.
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COLOCASIA ESCULENTA 'CHICAGO HARLEQUIN' - A striking new 'elephant ear,' with large soft leaves marked with light and dark green. The stem of each leaf is vividly striped with cream and green vertical stripes. Spreads rapidly in very wet areas and can easily grow as a pond or bog plant. Can grow up to 6 feet tall. Zone 8-11.
COLOCASIA ESCULENTA `ELENA' - Chartreuse foliage with a purple center and purple veins. Grow in sun to part shade and in medium to wet soil. Use in the ground or in containers. It can be submerged in a pond or water garden. Can grow up to 4 feet tall.
COLOCASIA ESCULENTA 'PINK CHINA' - The perfect plant for those who adore pastels and large plants. Lovely green leaves with a tiny pink eye and pink stems. Almost like having real flamingos in the garden! Can grow up to 6 feet tall. Zone 7b-10.
COLOCASIA ESCULENTA 'TEA CUP' - Shiny velvet-like textured green, heart-shaped leaves that are lined with darker veins, forming a tea cup-like form which holds water. Can grow up to 6 feet tall.
COLOCASIA ESCULENTA 'VIOLET STEM' - This gem makes a bold statement in any pond or garden. Deep purple stalks lead to 3 foot long giant green leaves with a slight hazy purple cast. The 1-foot tall yellow flowers have a wonderful papaya-like fragrance. Can grow up to 4 feet tall. Zone 9.
**Cannot mix and match plants for quantity discounts.
**Permit and quarantine required for shipments to HI